Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We Missed You...

"The white candle with red ribbon in the reception room is in
rememberance of our beautiful daughter, Candice Ann.
Though her life was cut shorter than we would have liked,
her smile and her love will always be remembered."

Mom and Dad renewed their wedding vows.

You would have been so proud of them, Candi!

So much changed after you died...
and I know they wish you were here to see what has become of their lives.

They really missed you this day. I did, too.

I would have loved to have been standing with you as we watched Mom and Dad get remarried. Mom was so happy! She told me that she actually felt like a princess. Dad looked very handsome in his suit. He is so in love with Mom... more now than ever.

You would have loved it!

There was a moment while I was watching as Maggie stole the show, twirling and dancing and clapping as everyone laughed, and loved, and watched... I just imagined you running out to the dance floor and joining Maggie. I think you two would have been really good buddies.

Oh, how I missed you that day. And every day.


Cheryl Corine / Mom / Grandma said...

I sure did too.
Love and miss you Candi,
Love Mom

W said...

Heidi, I am thinking of Candi with you today on this anniversary. I'm so sorry for your loss.
